diff --git a/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Book.java b/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Book.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd20a059ffb2443f5207d9615e3902175f0aa00e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Book.java
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package LibraryManagement;
+public class Book {
+    private String title;
+    private String author;
+    private boolean loaned;
+    public Book(String title, String author) {
+        this.title = title;
+        this.author = author;
+        this.loaned = false;
+    }
+    public boolean isLoaned() {
+        return loaned;
+    }
+    public void setLoaned(boolean loaned) {
+        this.loaned = loaned;
+    }
+    // Getters and setters
+    public String getTitle() {
+        return title;
+    }
+    public void setTitle(String title) {
+        this.title = title;
+    }
+    public String getAuthor() {
+        return author;
+    }
+    public void setAuthor(String author) {
+        this.author = author;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+        if (this == obj) return true;
+        if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
+        Book book = (Book) obj;
+        return title.equals(book.title) && author.equals(book.author);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Library.java b/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Library.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27e94c42141012278d6f2f1428ca8f8317bb751e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Library.java
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package LibraryManagement;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+public class Library {
+    private List<Book> books;
+    private List<Member> members;
+    private List<Loan> loans;
+    public Library() {
+        this.books = new ArrayList<>();
+        this.members = new ArrayList<>();
+        this.loans = new ArrayList<>();
+    }
+    public void addBook(Book book) {
+        books.add(book);
+    }
+    public void addMember(Member member) {
+        members.add(member);
+    }
+    public void loanBook(Book book, Member member) throws Exception {
+        if (!books.contains(book)) {
+            throw new Exception("Book not in library");
+        }
+        if (!members.contains(member)) {
+            throw new Exception("Member not registered");
+        }
+        if (book.isLoaned()) {
+            throw new Exception("Book already loaned");
+        }
+        Loan loan = new Loan(book, member);
+        loans.add(loan);
+        book.setLoaned(true);
+    }
+    public void returnBook(Book book) throws Exception {
+        if (!books.contains(book)) {
+            throw new Exception("Book not in library");
+        }
+        Loan loan = loans.stream().filter(l -> l.getBook().equals(book)).findFirst().orElse(null);
+        if (loan == null) {
+            throw new Exception("Book not loaned");
+        }
+        loans.remove(loan);
+        book.setLoaned(false);
+    }
+    public List<Book> getBooks() {
+        return books;
+    }
+    public List<Member> getMembers() {
+        return members;
+    }
+    public List<Loan> getLoans() {
+        return loans;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/LibraryManagementSystemTestComplete.java b/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/LibraryManagementSystemTestComplete.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d61dee63d555dfe2a3e1ed31c11d063df85b5b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/LibraryManagementSystemTestComplete.java
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
+class LibraryManagementSystemTestComplete {
+    private static Library library;
+    private static Book book1;
+    private static Book book2;
+    private static Member member1;
+    private static Member member2;
+    @BeforeEach
+    void setUp() {
+        // Create library and add books and members
+        library = new Library();
+        book1 = new Book("The Great Gatsby", "F. Scott Fitzgerald");
+        book2 = new Book("To Kill a Mockingbird", "Harper Lee");
+        member1 = new Member("John Doe", "12345");
+        member2 = new Member("Jane Smith", "67890");
+        library.addBook(book1);
+        library.addBook(book2);
+        library.addMember(member1);
+        library.addMember(member2);
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testLoanBook() throws Exception {
+        library.loanBook(book1, member1);
+        assertTrue(book1.isLoaned());
+        assertEquals(1, library.getLoans().size());
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testLoanBookNotRegistered() {
+        Member newMember = new Member("New Member", "99999");
+        assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> library.loanBook(book2, newMember));
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testReturnBook() throws Exception {
+        library.loanBook(book1, member1);
+        library.returnBook(book1);
+        assertFalse(book1.isLoaned());
+        assertEquals(0, library.getLoans().size());
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testReturnBookNotLoaned() {
+        assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> library.returnBook(book2));
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testAddBook() {
+        Book newBook = new Book("1984", "George Orwell");
+        library.addBook(newBook);
+        assertTrue(library.getBooks().contains(newBook));
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testAddMember() {
+        Member newMember = new Member("New Member", "99999");
+        library.addMember(newMember);
+        assertTrue(library.getMembers().contains(newMember));
+    }
diff --git a/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Loan.java b/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Loan.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07edb8850cd3c9b553955261493325cf41cb9a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Loan.java
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package LibraryManagement;
+public class Loan {
+    private Book book;
+    private Member member;
+    private java.time.LocalDate loanDate;
+    public Loan(Book book, Member member) {
+        this.book = book;
+        this.member = member;
+        this.loanDate = java.time.LocalDate.now();
+    }
+    // Getters and setters
+    public Book getBook() {
+        return book;
+    }
+    public void setBook(Book book) {
+        this.book = book;
+    }
+    public Member getMember() {
+        return member;
+    }
+    public void setMember(Member member) {
+        this.member = member;
+    }
+    public java.time.LocalDate getLoanDate() {
+        return loanDate;
+    }
+    public void setLoanDate(java.time.LocalDate loanDate) {
+        this.loanDate = loanDate;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Member.java b/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Member.java
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef2f678ba2c1b276e19687941d134f8657ede2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/Assignment_resources/Junit/tut_ex1/Member.java
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package LibraryManagement;
+public class Member {
+    private String name;
+    private String id;
+    public Member(String name, String id) {
+        this.name = name;
+        this.id = id;
+    }
+    // Getters and setters
+    public String getName() {
+        return name;
+    }
+    public void setName(String name) {
+        this.name = name;
+    }
+    public String getId() {
+        return id;
+    }
+    public void setId(String id) {
+        this.id = id;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+        if (this == obj) return true;
+        if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
+        Member member = (Member) obj;
+        return id.equals(member.id);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index ab020473a792529619acd0cd71da9f35c39204e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Assignment_1/Notes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Going to use either these 3 codes:
-Or Guis'
\ No newline at end of file
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index b11b1f23fb2cef950663967732c8585e54df478b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Assignment_1/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# CPSC 501, W25
-### Devon Harstrom, 30132397
-Used code from __ and refactored 
diff --git a/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/Notes.txt b/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/Notes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b7313c8e7283ab38d674b2914fb9a11e2ce7381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/Notes.txt	
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Going to use either these 3 codes:
+public void move(int index) {//changes the value of aWorld[][] must set old position to null then update it to the new position.
+		if (checkPerim(index) == true){ //checks the perim for things not null if it finds something it returns true and the move code below doesn't run
+			return;
+		}
+		if (loc[index] == null) {
+			return;
+		}
+		if (loc[index].getCanMove()==false){
+			return;
+		}
+		if((loc[index].getRow()-1 != -1)&&(loc[index].getColumn()-1 != -1)) {
+			if ((loc[index].getType() == 'E')&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()-1][loc[index].getColumn()-1]== null)) {
+				oldRow = loc[index].getRow();
+				oldCol = loc[index].getColumn();
+				loc[index].setRow(oldRow-1);
+				loc[index].setColumn(oldCol-1);
+				aWorld[oldRow-1][oldCol-1] = aWorld[oldRow][oldCol];
+				aWorld[oldRow][oldCol] = null;
+			}
+		}
+		if((loc[index].getRow()+1 != 10)&&(loc[index].getColumn()+1 != 10)) {
+			if ((loc[index].getType() == 'O')&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()+1][loc[index].getColumn()+1]== null)) {
+				oldRow = loc[index].getRow();
+				oldCol = loc[index].getColumn();
+				loc[index].setRow(oldRow+1);
+				loc[index].setColumn(oldCol+1);
+				aWorld[oldRow+1][oldCol+1] = aWorld[oldRow][oldCol];
+				aWorld[oldRow][oldCol] = null;
+			}
+		}
+		if ((GameStatus.debugModeOn == false)||(loc[index] == null)) {
+			return;
+		}
+		if (loc[index].getType() == 'E') {//elf move data
+			status.elfMoveDebug(oldRow,oldCol,loc[index].getRow(),loc[index].getRow());
+		} else if (loc[index].getType() == 'O') {//orc move data
+			status.orcMoveDebug(oldRow,oldCol,loc[index].getRow(),loc[index].getRow());
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/reworks.java b/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/reworks.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d5218a843f823299617dcbe183e5c1c66b3f922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/reworks.java	
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//public void move(int index) {//changes the value of aWorld[][] must set old position to null then update it to the new position.
+//    if (checkPerimeter(index) == true){ //checks the perim for things not null if it finds something it returns true and the move code below doesn't run
+//        return;
+//    }
+//    if (loc[index] == null) {
+//        return;
+//    }
+//    if (loc[index].getCanMove()==false){
+//        return;
+//    }
+//    if((loc[index].getRow()-1 != -1)&&(loc[index].getColumn()-1 != -1)) {
+//        moveLogic('E', index, -1);
+//    }
+//    if((loc[index].getRow()+1 != 10)&&(loc[index].getColumn()+1 != 10)) {
+//        moveLogic('O', index, 1);
+//    }
+//    if ((GameStatus.debugModeOn == true)&&(loc[index] != null)) {
+//        debugMovement(index);
+//    }
+//public void debugMovement(int index){
+//    if (loc[index].getType() == 'E') {//elf move data
+//        status.elfMoveDebug(oldRow,oldCol,loc[index].getRow(),loc[index].getRow());
+//    } else if (loc[index].getType() == 'O') {//orc move data
+//        status.orcMoveDebug(oldRow,oldCol,loc[index].getRow(),loc[index].getRow());
+//    }
+//public void moveLogic(String entityType, int index, int increment){
+//    if ((loc[index].getType() == entityType)&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()+ increment][loc[index].getColumn()+increment]== null)) {
+//        oldRow = loc[index].getRow();
+//        oldCol = loc[index].getColumn();
+//        loc[index].setRow(oldRow+increment);
+//        loc[index].setColumn(oldCol+increment);
+//        aWorld[oldRow+increment][oldCol+increment] = aWorld[oldRow][oldCol];
+//        aWorld[oldRow][oldCol] = null;
+//    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/reworks2.java b/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/reworks2.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca4d02105e9e47b806f1c61919dbc990d0fc5830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/reworks2.java	
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+//public class Entity
+//    public static final char DEFAULT_APPEARANCE = 'X';
+//    public static final char EMPTY = ' ';
+//    public static final int DEFAULT_HP = 1;
+//    private char appearance;
+//    private int hitPoints;
+//    private int damage;
+//    public Entity(char appearance, int hitPoints, int damage) {
+//        this.appearance = appearance;
+//        this.hitPoints = hitPoints;
+//        this.damage = damage;
+//    }
+//    public Entity(char newAppearance) {
+//        appearance = newAppearance;
+//        hitPoints = DEFAULT_HP;
+//        damage = ORC_DAMAGE;
+//    }
+//    public char getAppearance()
+//    {
+//        return(appearance);
+//    }
+//    public int getHitPoints()
+//    {
+//        return(hitPoints);
+//    }
+//    public void setAppearance(char newAppearance)
+//    {
+//        appearance = newAppearance;
+//    }
+//    public void setHitPoints(int newHitPoints)
+//    {
+//        hitPoints = newHitPoints;
+//    }
+//public class Orc extends Entity {
+//    public static final char ORC = 'O';
+//    public static final int ORC_DAMAGE = 3;
+//    public static final int ORC_HP = 10;
+//    public Orc() {
+//    }
+//public class Elf extends Entity {
+//    public static final char ELF = 'E';
+//    public static final int ELF_DAMAGE = 7;
+//    public static final int ELF_HP = 15;
+//    public Elf() {
+//    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/scrap2.txt b/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/scrap2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c98b2b7a47cf4fb96f28eb5e349d9220f1f9981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/scrap2.txt	
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import java.io.FileReader;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.util.Scanner;
+  Usage:
+  * Call the static read method to prompt the user for the file containing the
+    positions.
+  * The method will prompt for a filename and try to open that the file in the
+    location where the Driver for your Java program is located.
+  * The prompt will be repeated if there are problems accessing the file (e.g.
+    the file is not at the specified location, it is corrupted etc.).
+  * The method returns a reference to a 2D array of references to objects of type
+    Entity.
+  * The appearance attribute of the entity will correspond to the appearance of
+    characters in the file.
+  * Starting files must be exactly 10x10 characters in size and consist only of the
+    'O' character, an 'E' character or a space.
+  Version Feb 16B, 2021
+  * Program repeats prompt for filename if file not found at location.
+  Version Feb 16A, 2021
+  * Program allows the user to specify the input file at runtime.
+  Version: Feb 11A:
+  * Changed references of dwarves to elves. Constants related to the
+  * Entity attributes deleted.
+public class FileInitialization
+    public static Entity[][] read() {
+        Entity [][] temp = new Entity[World.SIZE][World.SIZE];
+        String line; // changed to this as it's going to be null regardless
+        int row, column; // changed from r and c so its more readable
+        char letter;
+//        BufferedReader bufferReader = null;
+//        FileReader fileReader = null;
+        FileContainer aContainer; // changed to this as it's going to be null regardless
+        try {
+            aContainer = checkingFile();
+            BufferedReader bufferReader = aContainer.getBufferedReader(); //changed name from br
+            FileReader fileReader = aContainer.getFileReader(); // changed name from br so its more readable
+            line = bufferReader.readLine();
+            if (line == null)
+                System.out.println("Empty file, nothing to read");
+            row = 0;
+            while (line != null) {
+                column = 0;
+                while(column < World.SIZE) {
+                    letter = line.charAt(column);
+                    temp[row][column] = createEntity(letter);
+                    column = column + 1;
+                }
+                line = bufferReader.readLine();
+                if (line != null)
+                    row = row + 1;
+            }
+            fileReader.close();
+        }
+        catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+            String location = System.getProperty("user.dir");
+            System.out.println("Input file not in " + location);
+        }
+        catch (IOException e) {
+            System.out.println("General file input problem " +
+                               "reading starting positions");
+        }
+        return(temp);
+    }
+    private static FileContainer checkingFile()
+    {
+        FileContainer aContainer; // changed to this as it's going to be null regardless
+        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
+        String filename; // changed to this as it's going to be null regardless
+//        boolean fileFound = false;
+        while (true) // changed to this as it's still if false
+        {
+            try
+            {
+                System.out.print("Name of file containing starting positions: ");
+                filename = in.nextLine();
+                FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(filename);
+                BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
+//                fileFound = true;
+                aContainer = new FileContainer(bufferReader, fileReader);
+                return aContainer;
+            }
+            catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
+            {
+                String location = System.getProperty("user.dir");
+                System.out.println("Input file not in " + location);
+            }
+        }
+//        aContainer = new FileContainer();
+//        return(aContainer);
+    }
+    private static Entity createEntity(char letter) {
+        return switch (letter) {
+            case 'O' -> new Orc();
+            case 'E' -> new Elf();
+            case Entity.EMPTY -> null;
+            default -> {
+                System.out.println("Error: Invalid character [" + letter + "] in file");
+                yield null;  // 'yield' is used to return a value from the block
+            }
+        };
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/scrap3.txt b/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/scrap3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3a6f9141f52ce719c8b2f4b2c2197460667ac4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/Scrap and Notes/scrap3.txt	
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+import java.awt.Color;
+import java.awt.Dimension;
+import java.awt.Graphics;
+import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
+import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
+import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
+import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
+import javax.swing.JPanel;
+import javax.swing.Timer;
+// removed unused import
+//Author Ethan McCorquodale
+ 	Version 3/4/2021: I got the graphical portion setup and functional still need to attach it logically
+ 					  to the World class and have sprites to represent elves/dwarves
+ 	Version 3/5/2021: I got the sprites setup correctly, I'm having issues with having them behave correctly though the attack() method
+ 					  in the World class needs some tweaking I'm pretty sure as it's a logical error that's occurring (orc isn't attacking
+ 					  elf after it's told to stop moving when the space it's moving to is occupied)
+ 	Version 3/9/2021: Finally fixed that weird bug that would cause issues when one entity dies, I did so by adding a sortDead method
+ 					  at this point the program runs without any bugs and meets the design specifications I just need to add Debug mode now
+ */
+public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
+	// removed unused variables like system.in
+	static final int Height = 300;
+	static final int Width = 300;
+	static final int gridSize = 30;
+	static final int elfSize = 15;
+	final int Delay = 1;
+	int moveCount = 0;
+	World world = new World();
+	Timer timer;
+	GamePanel()
+	{
+		this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(Width,Height));
+		this.setBackground(Color.blue);
+		this.setFocusable(true);
+		this.addKeyListener(new MyKeyAdapter());
+		startGame();
+	}
+	public void startGame()	{
+		timer = new Timer(Delay,this);
+	}
+	public void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) { // changed g to graphics since I don't like single letter variables
+		super.paintComponent(graphics);
+		drawWorld(graphics);
+	}
+	public void drawWorld(Graphics graphics) {
+		for (int row = 0; row<World.SIZE;row++) { //fixed static warning
+			for (int column = 0; column<World.SIZE; column++) {
+				if(world.aWorld[row][column] == null) {
+				graphics.setColor(Color.white);
+				graphics.fillRect(column*gridSize, row*gridSize, gridSize, gridSize); // removed unnecessary 0+
+				graphics.setColor(Color.black);
+				graphics.drawRect(column*gridSize, row*gridSize, gridSize, gridSize); // removed unnecessary 0+
+				}
+				else if(world.aWorld[row][column].getAppearance() == 'E') {
+					drawElf(graphics, column*gridSize, row*gridSize);
+				} else if (world.aWorld[row][column].getAppearance() == 'O') {
+					drawOrc(graphics,column*gridSize,row*gridSize);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public void drawOrc(Graphics graphics, int x, int y) {
+		int[] xCoord = {x+6,x+19,x+elfSize/2+5};
+		int[] yCoord = {y+10,y+10,y};
+		Color orcGreen = new Color(21,158,26);
+		graphics.setColor(Color.white);
+		graphics.fillRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);//sets the background of that grid square white
+		graphics.setColor(orcGreen);
+		graphics.fillOval(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize+3);
+		graphics.setColor(Color.black);
+		graphics.drawOval(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize+3);
+		graphics.setColor(orcGreen);
+		graphics.fillOval(x+13,y+9,5,7);//draws right eye
+		graphics.fillPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);//fills in hat
+		graphics.setColor(Color.black);
+		graphics.drawPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);//draws outline for hat
+		graphics.fillOval(x+7,y+9,5,7);//draws left eye
+		graphics.fillOval(x+13,y+9,5,7);//draws right eye
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+10, (x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);//left foot line 1
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, x+6, y+elfSize+13);//left foot line 2
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+10, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3)+5, y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);
+		graphics.drawString("HP: "+world.aWorld[y/gridSize][x/gridSize].getHitPoints(), x, y);
+	}
+	public void drawElf(Graphics graphics, int x, int y) {
+		int[] xCoord = {x+5,x+20,x+elfSize/2+5};
+		int[] yCoord = {y+7,y+7,y};
+		graphics.setColor(Color.white);
+		graphics.fillRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);
+		graphics.setColor(Color.green);
+		graphics.fillRect(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize);
+		graphics.fillPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);
+		graphics.setColor(Color.black);
+		graphics.drawPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);
+		graphics.drawRect(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize);
+		graphics.fillOval(x+7,y+9,5,7);
+		graphics.fillOval(x+13,y+9,5,7);
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+7, (x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, x+6, y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+7, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3)+5, y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);
+		graphics.drawString("HP: "+world.aWorld[y/gridSize][x/gridSize].getHitPoints(), x, y);
+	}
+	@Override
+	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
+		world.turnSinceAtk++;
+		for (int i = 0; i<Entity.getElfCounter()+Entity.getOrcCounter()+5; i++) {//the +5 stops the case where when multiple entities die the sortDead() breaks by running this more times than it should it finds all elves/orcs separated by a null
+			if (!GameStatus.debugModeOn) { //switched, still checking if false
+				world.move(i);
+			}
+		}
+		if (GameStatus.debugModeOn) {
+			world.move(moveCount);
+			repaint();
+			timer.stop();
+		}
+		if(GameStatus.debugModeOn) {
+			moveCount++;
+			world.turnSinceAtk = 0;//if this doesn't happen cease fire will be met with each entity only moving one at a time
+			if(world.location[moveCount]== null) {
+				System.out.println("Cannot move null");//gives output for when the "buffer" +3 is being called in the debug
+			}
+		}
+		if (moveCount >= Entity.getOrcCounter()+Entity.getElfCounter()+3) {//the +3 is there for the same reason the +5 is added to the for loop sortDead() sometimes leaves a null between entities and I cant figure out how to fix that so, I use this buffer
+			moveCount = 0;
+		}
+		repaint();
+		timer.stop();
+		if (world.turnSinceAtk >= 10 ) {
+			world.programRunning = false;
+			System.out.println("Cease Fire, Game over.");
+		}
+	}
+	// de-nest
+	public class MyKeyAdapter extends KeyAdapter{
+		public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
+			switch(e.getKeyCode()) {
+				case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE:
+					if(!world.programRunning) { // switched it, but it's still false
+						timer.start();
+					}
+					break; // else was unnecessary
+				case KeyEvent.VK_D:
+					if(GameStatus.debugModeOn) {
+						System.out.println("Debug mode left");
+						GameStatus.debugModeOn = false;
+						break;
+					}
+					System.out.println("Debug mode entered");
+					GameStatus.debugModeOn = true;
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/World.java b/Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/World.java
index 73af68f4aface3757dda92859c3312950ba0e1ac..d2e0b9701d971deb364aa1516f06eb152c9ef12a 100644
--- a/Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/World.java	
+++ b/Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/World.java	
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ public class World
     	return false;
     public void move(int index) {//changes the value of aWorld[][] must set old position to null then update it to the new position.
-    	if (checkPerim(index) == false) {//checks the perim for things not null if it finds something it returns true and the move code below doesn't run 
+    	if (checkPerimiter(index) == false) {//checks the perim for things not null if it finds something it returns true and the move code below doesn't run
     		if (loc[index] != null) {
             		if (loc[index].getCanMove()) {
             			if((loc[index].getRow()-1 != -1)&&(loc[index].getColumn()-1 != -1)) {
diff --git a/Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/refactor_1_testOG.java b/Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/refactor_1_testOG.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49d19d48df56177e6bfa1a08668aaa7b83bd0e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/refactor_1_testOG.java	
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
+import java.awt.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+class refactor_1_test {
+    private static World world;
+//    @BeforeEach
+//    void setUp() {
+//        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data.txt";
+    ////        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt\n";
+//        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+//        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+//        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+//        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+//        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+//    }
+    @Test
+    void testBoardInitialization() {
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data.txt";
+//        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt\n";
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        System.out.println("Test 1 running.");
+        assertNotNull(world.aWorld, "Board should be initialized");
+        assertEquals(World.SIZE, world.aWorld.length, "Board should have correct rows");
+        assertEquals(World.SIZE, world.aWorld[0].length, "Board should have correct columns");
+        assertEquals(4, world.elfCounter); // check if right amount of elves and orcs
+        assertEquals(4, world.orcCounter);
+    }
+    @Test
+    void sortDeadTest(){
+        // not sure how to test because the comment just says doesn't work as intended??
+        //but works in gui
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testSort(){
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data.txt";
+//        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt\n";
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        //in data.txt the sorted array should be OOEEOOEE
+        StringBuilder afterSort = new StringBuilder();
+        for (Location location : world.loc) {
+            afterSort.append(location != null ? location.getType() : "");
+        }
+        assertEquals("OOEEOOEE", afterSort.toString(), "Locations should be sorted like this");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testAttack(){
+        // create world and tell them to attack
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt\n";
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        world.tempRow = 0;
+        world.tempColumn = 0;
+        world.attack(0); //elf will attack
+        int Hp = world.aWorld[world.loc[1].getRow()][world.loc[1].getColumn()].getHitPoints();
+        System.out.println("health after attack: " + Hp);
+        assertTrue(world.aWorld[world.loc[1].getRow()][world.loc[1].getColumn()].getHitPoints() < 10, "Orc should lose HP after attack");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void checkPerimTest(){
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/perimTest.txt\n";
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        assertTrue(world.checkPerim(0), "should be true, something next to the elf");
+        assertTrue(world.checkPerim(1), "should be true, something next to the orc");
+        assertFalse(world.checkPerim(2), "should be false, nothing next to the elf");
+        assertFalse(world.checkPerim(3), "should be false, spot is null");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testMove(){
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/moveTest.txt\n";
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        assertEquals('O', world.aWorld[0][0].getAppearance(), "should be an Orc at 0,0");
+        System.out.println(world.aWorld[0][0].getAppearance()+ " at: 0:0");
+        world.move(1);
+        assertEquals('O', world.aWorld[1][1].getAppearance(), "should be an Orc");
+        System.out.println(world.aWorld[1][1].getAppearance() + " at: 1:1, from move function" );
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/CPSC501A1W25README.md b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/CPSC501A1W25README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29cbcb1a429f2613e3c3710f0d16679499e8f553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/CPSC501A1W25README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+# CPSC 501, W25, T02
+### Devon Harstrom, 30132397
+### Info:
+> Used code from Ethan McCorquodale a classmate who gave permission to use this old code
+I then refactored it </br>
+> The original code is by Ethan McCorquodale. I was given permission to use it: 
+> “... I give you guys (and anyone else who is in the same situation) permission to use this project.” </br>
+All refactoring was tested on: </br>
+Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/refactorTests.java
+which tests the world functions to see if the game runs properly 
+> other testing was done in the GUI outside of code as it is a GUI based coed
+#how to run:
+> run the java file Simulator.Java in the refactored folder
+> enter a txt world file for a basic one enter:
+> Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data.txt </br>
+> This is the map that the Gui was tested on during the refactoring
+### Refactors performed:
+> Refactor branch 1: De-nesting code in world (major) </br>
+Refactor branch 2: Pulling out methods (major) </br>
+Refactor branch 3: Rearrange classes? (major) </br>
+Refactor branch 4: Name changes, removing unused code, etc. (small) </br>
+Refactor branch 5: Comments (small) </br>
+### Explanation 
+##### Refactor 1:
+> Refactor 1 was de-nesting code blocks in the world.java file and class
+> The original file had lots of nested code which made the readability and understanding 
+> of the code harder. So as a solution I de-nested this by taking the opposite if statements and returning
+> if it was true so for example:
+if(((loc[index].getType() == 'O')&&(aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getAppearance() != 'O'))||((loc[index].getType() == 'E')&&(aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getAppearance() != 'E'))) {//makes sure it's not attacking it's own kind
+    turnSinceAtk = 0;
+    if((loc[index].getType() == 'E')&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()][loc[index].getColumn()] != null)) {
+    //... a bunch more if statements
+    }
+if(aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn] == null){
+    return;
+if((loc[index].getType() == 'O') && (aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getAppearance() == 'O')) {
+    return;
+if((loc[index].getType() == 'E') && (aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getAppearance() == 'E')) {
+    return;
+> This makes it much easier to read and understand
+> I did this for every function in World which includes
+> Constructor, sortDead, sortLocations, attack, checkPerim, move
+##### Refactor 2:
+> Refactor 2 built off refactor 1 as now that the functions were properly de-nested
+> I could separate functions into smaller functions in the World.java file. Adding again to the readability
+> split up functions stops some functions from being too long which happened alot in the original code
+> For example the move function originally looked like this:
+public void move(int index) {//changes the value of aWorld[][] must set old position to null then update it to the new position.
+    if (checkPerimiter(index) == false) {//checks the perim for things not null if it finds something it returns true and the move code below doesn't run
+        if (loc[index] != null) {
+                if (loc[index].getCanMove()) {
+                    if((loc[index].getRow()-1 != -1)&&(loc[index].getColumn()-1 != -1)) {
+                        if ((loc[index].getType() == 'E')&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()-1][loc[index].getColumn()-1]== null)) {
+                            oldRow = loc[index].getRow();
+                            oldCol = loc[index].getColumn();
+                            loc[index].setRow(oldRow-1);
+                            loc[index].setColumn(oldCol-1);
+                            aWorld[oldRow-1][oldCol-1] = aWorld[oldRow][oldCol];
+                            aWorld[oldRow][oldCol] = null;
+                        }	
+                    }
+                    if((loc[index].getRow()+1 != 10)&&(loc[index].getColumn()+1 != 10)) {
+                        if ((loc[index].getType() == 'O')&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()+1][loc[index].getColumn()+1]== null)) {
+                            oldRow = loc[index].getRow();
+                            oldCol = loc[index].getColumn();
+                            loc[index].setRow(oldRow+1);
+                            loc[index].setColumn(oldCol+1);
+                            aWorld[oldRow+1][oldCol+1] = aWorld[oldRow][oldCol];
+                            aWorld[oldRow][oldCol] = null;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ((GameStatus.debugModeOn)&&(loc[index]!= null)) {
+                        if (loc[index].getType() == 'E') {//elf move data
+                            status.elfMoveDebug(oldRow,oldCol,loc[index].getRow(),loc[index].getRow());
+                        } else if (loc[index].getType() == 'O') {//orc move data
+                            status.orcMoveDebug(oldRow,oldCol,loc[index].getRow(),loc[index].getRow());
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+    	}
+    }
+> which is very long and also has some potential repeate code with:
+if ((loc[index].getType() == 'E')&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()-1][loc[index].getColumn()-1]== null)) {
+    oldRow = loc[index].getRow();
+    oldCol = loc[index].getColumn();
+    loc[index].setRow(oldRow-1);
+    loc[index].setColumn(oldCol-1);
+    aWorld[oldRow-1][oldCol-1] = aWorld[oldRow][oldCol];
+    aWorld[oldRow][oldCol] = null;
+> so separating functions also allows me to reduce repetitive code, and i can use polymorphism to add to this
+> this is what it now look like in refactor 2: 
+public void moveLogic(char entityType, int index, int increment){
+    if ((loc[index].getType() == entityType)&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()+ increment][loc[index].getColumn()+increment]== null)) {
+        oldRow = loc[index].getRow();
+        oldCol = loc[index].getColumn();
+        loc[index].setRow(oldRow+increment);
+        loc[index].setColumn(oldCol+increment);
+        aWorld[oldRow+increment][oldCol+increment] = aWorld[oldRow][oldCol];
+        aWorld[oldRow][oldCol] = null;
+    }
+> where I can just pass in parameters and have one function.
+##### Refactor 3:
+> Refactor 3 separated the entity class into two subclasses Orcs and Elves
+> This allows a better structure in the code and the potential for other entities
+> I can also move debug statements to the new subclasses and keep track of entity count 
+> in the entity class which makes it easier to understand. 
+> here is an example of the old and new entity class with the elf subclass:
+//Author Ethan McCorquodale
+  Version Feb 17A, 2021
+  * Added method so an Entity can damage another Entity.
+  Version: Feb 12A, 2021
+  * Added attribute to track if Entity has been moved or not.
+  Version: Feb 11B, 2021
+  * Changed references from dwarves to elves.
+  * Added a new damage attribute.
+public class Entity
+    public static final char DEFAULT_APPEARANCE = 'X';
+    public static final char ELF = 'E';
+    public static final char EMPTY = ' ';
+    public static final char ORC = 'O';
+    public static final int DEFAULT_HP = 1;
+    public static final int ORC_DAMAGE = 3;
+    public static final int ELF_DAMAGE = 7;
+    public static final int ORC_HP = 10;
+    public static final int ELF_HP = 15;
+    private char appearance;
+    private int hitPoints;
+    private int damage;
+    boolean attacking= false;
+    public Entity()
+    {
+        setAppearance(DEFAULT_APPEARANCE);
+        setHitPoints(DEFAULT_HP);
+    }
+    public Entity(char newAppearance)
+    {
+        appearance = newAppearance;
+        hitPoints = DEFAULT_HP;
+        damage = ORC_DAMAGE;
+    }
+    public Entity(char newAppearance, int newHitPoints, int newDamage)
+    {
+        setAppearance(newAppearance);
+        setDamage(newDamage);
+        setHitPoints(newHitPoints);
+    }
+   /* public void setAtt(boolean isAttacking) {
+    	attacking = isAttacking;
+    }
+    public boolean getAtt() {
+    	return attacking;
+    }*/
+    public char getAppearance()
+    {
+        return(appearance);
+    }
+    public int getDamage()
+    {
+        return(damage);
+    }
+    public int getHitPoints()
+    {
+        return(hitPoints);
+    }
+    public void setAppearance(char newAppearance)//changed this from private to public to change the entity appearance to ' '
+    {
+        appearance = newAppearance;
+    }
+    private void setDamage(int newDamage)
+    {
+        if (newDamage < 1) 
+        {
+            System.out.println("Damage must be 1 or greater");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            damage = newDamage;
+        }        
+    }
+    public void setHitPoints(int newHitPoints)
+    {
+        hitPoints = newHitPoints;
+    }
+public abstract class Entity
+//    public static final char DEFAULT_APPEARANCE = 'X';
+    public static final char EMPTY = ' ';
+//    public static final int DEFAULT_HP = 1;
+    private char appearance;
+    private int hitPoints;
+    private int damage;
+    private static int orcCounter = 0;
+    private static int elfCounter = 0;
+    public Entity(char appearance, int hitPoints, int damage) {
+        this.appearance = appearance;
+        this.hitPoints = hitPoints;
+        this.damage = damage;
+    }
+    public abstract void debugAttack(GameStatus status, int tempRow, int tempColumn, int targetRow, int targetColumn, int HP, int HPAfter);
+    public abstract void debugLossConditions(GameStatus status, int entityCounter);
+    public char getAppearance()
+    {
+        return(appearance);
+    }
+    public int getHitPoints()
+    {
+        return(hitPoints);
+    }
+    public void setAppearance(char newAppearance)
+    {
+        appearance = newAppearance;
+    }
+    public void setHitPoints(int newHitPoints)
+    {
+        hitPoints = newHitPoints;
+    }
+    public int getDamage()
+    {
+        return(damage);
+    }
+    public static int getElfCounter() {
+        return elfCounter;
+    }
+    public static int getOrcCounter() {
+        return orcCounter;
+    }
+    public static void incrementElfCounter(int value) {
+        elfCounter = elfCounter + value;
+    }
+    public static void incrementOrcCounter(int value) {
+        orcCounter = orcCounter + value;
+    }
+    public static void setElfCounter(int newElfCounter){
+        elfCounter = newElfCounter;
+    }
+    public static void setOrcCounter(int newOrcCounter){
+        orcCounter = newOrcCounter;
+    }
+public class Elf extends Entity {
+    public static final char ELF = 'E';
+    public static final int ELF_DAMAGE = 7;
+    public static final int ELF_HP = 15;
+    public Elf() {
+        super(ELF, ELF_HP, ELF_DAMAGE);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void debugAttack(GameStatus status, int tempRow, int tempColumn, int targetRow, int targetColumn, int HP, int HPAfter) {
+        status.elfAttackDebug(tempRow, tempColumn, targetRow, targetColumn, HP, HPAfter);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void debugLossConditions(GameStatus status, int entityCounter){
+        status.orcLoseDebug(entityCounter);
+    }
+> The same is done what Orc subclass
+##### Refactor 4:
+> refactor 4 was a number of small refactors such as changing names, removing unsless code 
+> general warning fixing and writing code more consistently
+> This was done across all files. Here are some examples: 
+Name changing:
+    r,c to rows and columns
+    i to location index
+    g to graphics
+Removing unused code:
+    public static final int ORCS_WIN = 0;
+    public static final int ELVES_WIN = 1;
+    public static final int DRAW = 2;
+    public static final int CEASE_FIRE = 3;
+    public static final int NOT_OVER = 4;
+Consistent code:
+    if(GameStatus.debugModeOn == false) to
+    if(GameStatus.debugModeOn)
+    if(world.programRunning != false) {
+        timer.start();
+        break;	
+    }else {
+        break;
+    }
+    to 
+    if(world.programRunning != false) {
+        timer.start();
+    }
+    break;
+> And much more
+##### Refactor 5
+> Refactor 5 is simply commenting to explain code 
+> this was mainly done in the world.java file 
+> This just helps with readability and understanding 
+> for example:
+// logic for attacking gets health and subtracts the attacking entities damage and sets the new health
+deathLogic(attackingEntity, index); // check if attacker killed enemy
+victoryLogic(attackingEntity); // check if no enemy remains
+and much more
+That is all the Refactoring done on the original code
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Elf.java b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Elf.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c2ea671131382214747c6eb07f5217b49faf675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Elf.java	
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+public class Elf extends Entity {
+    public static final char ELF = 'E'; // Elves are represented as an E on the grid
+    public static final int ELF_DAMAGE = 7; // damage
+    public static final int ELF_HP = 15; // health of each elf
+    // elf is a subclass of entity passing in appearance, health and damage
+    public Elf() {
+        super(ELF, ELF_HP, ELF_DAMAGE);
+    }
+    // both are the debug statements for attack and loss conditions
+    @Override
+    public void debugAttack(GameStatus status, int tempRow, int tempColumn, int targetRow, int targetColumn, int HP, int HPAfter) {
+        status.elfAttackDebug(tempRow, tempColumn, targetRow, targetColumn, HP, HPAfter);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void debugLossConditions(GameStatus status, int entityCounter){
+        status.elfLoseDebug(entityCounter);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void debugMovement(GameStatus status, int oldRow, int oldCol, int newRow, int newCol){
+        status.elfMoveDebug(oldRow,oldCol,newRow,newCol);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Entity.java b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Entity.java
index 9e06be4a26a6d177d8e0623c55885d0c96a33990..4859c3400199f41dd7b05a106e30cb43729c07a6 100644
--- a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Entity.java	
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Entity.java	
@@ -1,96 +1,65 @@
-//Author Ethan McCorquodale
+public abstract class Entity
+    //removed unused
+    public static final char EMPTY = ' '; // this is for null
+    private char appearance; // appearance is O or E
+    private int hitPoints; //health
+    private final int damage; // damage
-  Version Feb 17A, 2021
-  * Added method so an Entity can damage another Entity.
+    private static int orcCounter = 0; // start at 0
+    private static int elfCounter = 0;
-  Version: Feb 12A, 2021
-  * Added attribute to track if Entity has been moved or not.
+    // subclasses are appearance, health, damage
+    public Entity(char appearance, int hitPoints, int damage) {
+        this.appearance = appearance;
+        this.hitPoints = hitPoints;
+        this.damage = damage;
+    }
-  Version: Feb 11B, 2021
-  * Changed references from dwarves to elves.
-  * Added a new damage attribute.
+    //debug for each subclass
+    public abstract void debugAttack(GameStatus status, int tempRow, int tempColumn, int targetRow, int targetColumn, int HP, int HPAfter);
+    public abstract void debugLossConditions(GameStatus status, int entityCounter);
+    public abstract void debugMovement(GameStatus status, int oldRow, int oldCol, int newRow, int newCol);
-public class Entity
-    public static final char DEFAULT_APPEARANCE = 'X';
-    public static final char ELF = 'E';
-    public static final char EMPTY = ' ';
-    public static final char ORC = 'O';
-    public static final int DEFAULT_HP = 1;
-    public static final int ORC_DAMAGE = 3;
-    public static final int ELF_DAMAGE = 7;
-    public static final int ORC_HP = 10;
-    public static final int ELF_HP = 15;
-    private char appearance;
-    private int hitPoints;
-    private int damage;
-    boolean attacking= false;
-    public Entity()
+    // getter, setter methods, add some more
+    public char getAppearance()
-        setAppearance(DEFAULT_APPEARANCE);
-        setHitPoints(DEFAULT_HP);
+        return(appearance);
-    public Entity(char newAppearance)
+    public int getHitPoints()
-        appearance = newAppearance;
-        hitPoints = DEFAULT_HP;
-        damage = ORC_DAMAGE;
+        return(hitPoints);
-    public Entity(char newAppearance, int newHitPoints, int newDamage)
+    public void setAppearance(char newAppearance)
-        setAppearance(newAppearance);
-        setDamage(newDamage);
-        setHitPoints(newHitPoints);
-    }
-   /* public void setAtt(boolean isAttacking) {
-    	attacking = isAttacking;
+        appearance = newAppearance;
-    public boolean getAtt() {
-    	return attacking;
-    }*/
-    public char getAppearance()
+    public void setHitPoints(int newHitPoints)
-        return(appearance);
+        hitPoints = newHitPoints;
     public int getDamage()
-    public int getHitPoints()
-    {
-        return(hitPoints);
+    public static int getElfCounter() {
+        return elfCounter;
-    public void setAppearance(char newAppearance)//changed this from private to public to change the entity appearance to ' '
-    {
-        appearance = newAppearance;
+    public static int getOrcCounter() {
+        return orcCounter;
-    private void setDamage(int newDamage)
-    {
-        if (newDamage < 1) 
-        {
-            System.out.println("Damage must be 1 or greater");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            damage = newDamage;
-        }        
+    public static void incrementElfCounter(int value) {
+        elfCounter = elfCounter + value;
-    public void setHitPoints(int newHitPoints)
-    {
-        hitPoints = newHitPoints;
+    public static void incrementOrcCounter(int value) {
+        orcCounter = orcCounter + value;
+    public static void setElfCounter(int newElfCounter){
+        elfCounter = newElfCounter;
+    }
+    public static void setOrcCounter(int newOrcCounter){
+        orcCounter = newOrcCounter;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/FileContainer.java b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/FileContainer.java
index 1b80fc0bc94519170225eb3166c8fe9637c74eb8..df046222d2f69429ad85070d62347cdb44601a20 100644
--- a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/FileContainer.java	
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/FileContainer.java	
@@ -3,23 +3,23 @@ import java.io.BufferedReader;
 public class FileContainer
-    private BufferedReader br;
-    private FileReader fr; 
+    private final BufferedReader bufferReader; //these don't change so made them final
+    private final FileReader fileReader;
     public FileContainer(BufferedReader aBufferedReader, 
                          FileReader aFileReader)
-        br = aBufferedReader;
-        fr = aFileReader;
+        bufferReader = aBufferedReader;
+        fileReader = aFileReader;
     public BufferedReader getBufferedReader()
-        return(br);
+        return(bufferReader);
     public FileReader getFileReader()
-        return(fr);
+        return(fileReader);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/FileInitialization.java b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/FileInitialization.java
index 4ce778ca4c3bee18ba09c554b24ca8034ac433d5..b43ef71aff884d86c5489572d4718ea7584285dc 100644
--- a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/FileInitialization.java	
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/FileInitialization.java	
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import java.util.Scanner;
-  * Call the static read method to prompt the user for the file containing the 
+  * Call the static read method to prompt the user for the file containing the
   * The method will prompt for a filename and try to open that the file in the
     location where the Driver for your Java program is located.
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ import java.util.Scanner;
     the file is not at the specified location, it is corrupted etc.).
   * The method returns a reference to a 2D array of references to objects of type
-  * The appearance attribute of the entity will correspond to the appearance of 
+  * The appearance attribute of the entity will correspond to the appearance of
     characters in the file.
-  * Starting files must be exactly 10x10 characters in size and consist only of the 
+  * Starting files must be exactly 10x10 characters in size and consist only of the
     'O' character, an 'E' character or a space.
   Version Feb 16B, 2021
@@ -29,63 +29,64 @@ import java.util.Scanner;
   * Changed references of dwarves to elves. Constants related to the
   * Entity attributes deleted.
+// this file takes in the txt file and initializes the world which is called in the world class
+// this is where we get the values
 public class FileInitialization
     public static Entity[][] read() {
         Entity [][] temp = new Entity[World.SIZE][World.SIZE];
-        String line = null;
-        int r, c;
+        String line; // changed to this as it's going to be null regardless
+        int row, column; // changed from r and c so its more readable
         char letter;
-        BufferedReader br = null;
-        FileReader fr = null;
-        FileContainer aContainer = null;
+        FileContainer aContainer; // changed to this as it's going to be null regardless
         try {
-            aContainer = checkingFile(br,fr);
-            br = aContainer.getBufferedReader();
-            fr = aContainer.getFileReader();
-            line = br.readLine();
+            aContainer = checkingFile();
+            BufferedReader bufferReader = aContainer.getBufferedReader(); //changed name from br
+            FileReader fileReader = aContainer.getFileReader(); // changed name from br so its more readable
+            line = bufferReader.readLine();
             if (line == null)
                 System.out.println("Empty file, nothing to read");
-            r = 0;
-            while (line != null) {   
-                c = 0;
-                while(c < World.SIZE) {
-                    letter = line.charAt(c);
-                    temp[r][c] = createEntity(letter);
-                    c = c + 1;
+            row = 0;
+            while (line != null) {
+                column = 0;
+                while(column < World.SIZE) {
+                    letter = line.charAt(column);
+                    temp[row][column] = createEntity(letter);
+                    column = column + 1;
-                line = br.readLine();
+                line = bufferReader.readLine();
                 if (line != null)
-                    r = r + 1;
+                    row = row + 1;
-            fr.close();
+            fileReader.close();
         catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
             String location = System.getProperty("user.dir");
             System.out.println("Input file not in " + location);
         catch (IOException e) {
-            System.out.println("General file input problem " + 
-                               "reading starting positions");
+            System.out.println("General file input problem " +
+                    "reading starting positions");
-    private static FileContainer checkingFile(BufferedReader br, FileReader fr)
+    private static FileContainer checkingFile()
-        FileContainer aContainer = null;    
+        FileContainer aContainer; // changed to this as it's going to be null regardless
         Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
-        String filename = null;
-        boolean fileFound = false;
-        while (fileFound == false)
+        String filename; // changed to this as it's going to be null regardless
+        while (true) // changed to this as it's still if false
                 System.out.print("Name of file containing starting positions: ");
-                filename = in.nextLine();   
-	        fr = new FileReader(filename);
-                br = new BufferedReader(fr);
-                fileFound = true;
+                filename = in.nextLine();
+                FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(filename);
+                BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
+                aContainer = new FileContainer(bufferReader, fileReader);
+                return aContainer;
             catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
@@ -93,32 +94,18 @@ public class FileInitialization
                 System.out.println("Input file not in " + location);
-         }
-         aContainer = new FileContainer(br,fr); 
-         return(aContainer);
+        }
-    private static Entity createEntity(char letter)
-    {
-        Entity e = null;
-        switch(letter)
-        {
-            case Entity.ORC:
-                e = new Entity(Entity.ORC,Entity.ORC_HP,Entity.ORC_DAMAGE);
-                break;
-            case Entity.ELF:
-                e = new Entity(Entity.ELF,Entity.ELF_HP,Entity.ELF_DAMAGE);
-                break;
-            case Entity.EMPTY:
-                e = null;
-                break;
-            default:
-                System.out.println("Error: Invalid character [" + letter + 
-                                   "] in file");
-        }
-        return(e);
+    private static Entity createEntity(char letter) {
+        return switch (letter) {
+            case 'O' -> new Orc();
+            case 'E' -> new Elf();
+            case Entity.EMPTY -> null;
+            default -> {
+                System.out.println("Error: Invalid character [" + letter + "] in file");
+                yield null;  // 'yield' is used to return a value from the block
+            }
+        };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/GamePanel.java b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/GamePanel.java
index 5ab0e625b4d52d5deb40697f239b542130ff8129..c1b141c4eaa4c4fc2c1982dc8b2f5062d5016b7e 100644
--- a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/GamePanel.java	
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/GamePanel.java	
@@ -7,21 +7,21 @@ import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
 import javax.swing.JPanel;
 import javax.swing.Timer;
+// removed unused import
-import java.util.Scanner;
 //Author Ethan McCorquodale
  	Version 3/4/2021: I got the graphical portion setup and functional still need to attach it logically
  					  to the World class and have sprites to represent elves/dwarves
- 	Version 3/5/2021: I got the sprites setuap correctly, I'm having issues with having them behave correctly though the attack() method
- 					  in the World class needs some tweaking I'm pretty sure as it's a logical error that's occurring (orc isn't attacking 
+ 	Version 3/5/2021: I got the sprites setup correctly, I'm having issues with having them behave correctly though the attack() method
+ 					  in the World class needs some tweaking I'm pretty sure as it's a logical error that's occurring (orc isn't attacking
  					  elf after it's told to stop moving when the space it's moving to is occupied)
  	Version 3/9/2021: Finally fixed that weird bug that would cause issues when one entity dies, I did so by adding a sortDead method
  					  at this point the program runs without any bugs and meets the design specifications I just need to add Debug mode now
+// this file draws the game in the GUI and handles the "space key interaction"
 public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
 	static final int Height = 300;
 	static final int Width = 300;
@@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
 	final int Delay = 1;
 	int moveCount = 0;
 	World world = new World();
-	Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
 	Timer timer;
-	GamePanel()	
+	GamePanel()
 		this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(Width,Height));
@@ -40,91 +39,90 @@ public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
 		this.addKeyListener(new MyKeyAdapter());
 	public void startGame()	{
 		timer = new Timer(Delay,this);
-	public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
-		super.paintComponent(g);
-		drawWorld(g);
+	public void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) { // changed g to graphics since I don't like single letter variables
+		super.paintComponent(graphics);
+		drawWorld(graphics);
-	public void drawWorld(Graphics g) {
-		for (int r = 0; r<world.SIZE;r++) {
-			for (int c = 0; c<world.SIZE; c++) {
-				if(world.aWorld[r][c] == null) {
-				g.setColor(Color.white);
-				g.fillRect(0+c*gridSize, 0+r*gridSize, gridSize, gridSize);
-				g.setColor(Color.black);
-				g.drawRect(0+c*gridSize, 0+r*gridSize, gridSize, gridSize);
-				} 
-				else if(world.aWorld[r][c].getAppearance() == 'E') {
-					drawElf(g, c*gridSize, r*gridSize);
-				} else if (world.aWorld[r][c].getAppearance() == 'O') {
-					drawOrc(g,c*gridSize,r*gridSize);
+	public void drawWorld(Graphics graphics) {
+		for (int row = 0; row<World.SIZE;row++) { //fixed static warning
+			for (int column = 0; column<World.SIZE; column++) {
+				if(world.aWorld[row][column] == null) {
+					graphics.setColor(Color.white);
+					graphics.fillRect(column*gridSize, row*gridSize, gridSize, gridSize); // removed unnecessary 0+
+					graphics.setColor(Color.black);
+					graphics.drawRect(column*gridSize, row*gridSize, gridSize, gridSize); // removed unnecessary 0+
+				}
+				else if(world.aWorld[row][column].getAppearance() == 'E') {
+					drawElf(graphics, column*gridSize, row*gridSize);
+				} else if (world.aWorld[row][column].getAppearance() == 'O') {
+					drawOrc(graphics,column*gridSize,row*gridSize);
-	}	
-	public void drawOrc(Graphics g, int x, int y) {
+	}
+	public void drawOrc(Graphics graphics, int x, int y) {
 		int[] xCoord = {x+6,x+19,x+elfSize/2+5};
 		int[] yCoord = {y+10,y+10,y};
 		Color orcGreen = new Color(21,158,26);
-		g.setColor(Color.white);
-		g.fillRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);//sets the background of that grid square white
-		g.setColor(orcGreen);
-		g.fillOval(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize+3);
-		g.setColor(Color.black);
-		g.drawOval(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize+3);
-		g.setColor(orcGreen);
-		g.fillOval(x+13,y+9,5,7);//draws right eye
-		g.fillPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);//fills in hat
-		g.setColor(Color.black);
-		g.drawPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);//draws outline for hat
-		g.fillOval(x+7,y+9,5,7);//draws left eye
-		g.fillOval(x+13,y+9,5,7);//draws right eye
-		g.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+10, (x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);//left foot line 1
-		g.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, x+6, y+elfSize+13);//left foot line 2
-		g.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+10, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);
-		g.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3)+5, y+elfSize+13);
-		g.drawRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);
-		g.drawString("HP: "+world.aWorld[y/gridSize][x/gridSize].getHitPoints(), x, y);
+		graphics.setColor(Color.white);
+		graphics.fillRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);//sets the background of that grid square white
+		graphics.setColor(orcGreen);
+		graphics.fillOval(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize+3);
+		graphics.setColor(Color.black);
+		graphics.drawOval(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize+3);
+		graphics.setColor(orcGreen);
+		graphics.fillOval(x+13,y+9,5,7);//draws right eye
+		graphics.fillPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);//fills in hat
+		graphics.setColor(Color.black);
+		graphics.drawPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);//draws outline for hat
+		graphics.fillOval(x+7,y+9,5,7);//draws left eye
+		graphics.fillOval(x+13,y+9,5,7);//draws right eye
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+10, (x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);//left foot line 1
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, x+6, y+elfSize+13);//left foot line 2
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+10, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3)+5, y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);
+		graphics.drawString("HP: "+world.aWorld[y/gridSize][x/gridSize].getHitPoints(), x, y);
-	public void drawElf(Graphics g, int x, int y) {
+	public void drawElf(Graphics graphics, int x, int y) {
 		int[] xCoord = {x+5,x+20,x+elfSize/2+5};
 		int[] yCoord = {y+7,y+7,y};
-		g.setColor(Color.white);
-		g.fillRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);
-		g.setColor(Color.green);
-		g.fillRect(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize);
-		g.fillPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);
-		g.setColor(Color.black);
-		g.drawPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);
-		g.drawRect(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize);
-		g.fillOval(x+7,y+9,5,7);
-		g.fillOval(x+13,y+9,5,7);
-		g.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+7, (x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);
-		g.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, x+6, y+elfSize+13);
-		g.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+7, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);
-		g.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3)+5, y+elfSize+13);
-		g.drawRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);
-		g.drawString("HP: "+world.aWorld[y/gridSize][x/gridSize].getHitPoints(), x, y);
+		graphics.setColor(Color.white);
+		graphics.fillRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);
+		graphics.setColor(Color.green);
+		graphics.fillRect(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize);
+		graphics.fillPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);
+		graphics.setColor(Color.black);
+		graphics.drawPolygon(xCoord, yCoord, 3);
+		graphics.drawRect(x+5, y+7, elfSize, elfSize);
+		graphics.fillOval(x+7,y+9,5,7);
+		graphics.fillOval(x+13,y+9,5,7);
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+7, (x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, x+6, y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+7, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawLine((x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3), y+elfSize+13, (x+5)+elfSize-(elfSize/3)+5, y+elfSize+13);
+		graphics.drawRect(x,y, gridSize, gridSize);
+		graphics.drawString("HP: "+world.aWorld[y/gridSize][x/gridSize].getHitPoints(), x, y);
 	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
-		for (int i = 0; i<world.elfCounter+world.orcCounter+5; i++) {//the +5 stops the case where when multiple entities die the sortDead() breaks by running this more times than it should it finds all elves/orcs separated by a null
-			if (GameStatus.debugModeOn == false) {
+		for (int i = 0; i<Entity.getElfCounter()+Entity.getOrcCounter()+5; i++) {//the +5 stops the case where when multiple entities die the sortDead() breaks by running this more times than it should it finds all elves/orcs separated by a null
+			if (!GameStatus.debugModeOn) { //switched, still checking if false
@@ -135,13 +133,13 @@ public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
 		if(GameStatus.debugModeOn) {
-			world.turnSinceAtk = 0;//if this doesnt happen cease fire will be met with each entity only moving one at a time
-			if(world.loc[moveCount]== null) {
+			world.turnSinceAtk = 0;//if this doesn't happen cease fire will be met with each entity only moving one at a time
+			if(world.location[moveCount]== null) {
 				System.out.println("Cannot move null");//gives output for when the "buffer" +3 is being called in the debug
-		if (moveCount >= world.orcCounter+world.elfCounter+3) {//the +3 is there for the same reason the +5 is added to the for loop sortDead() sometimes leaves a null between entities and I cant figure out how to fix that so I use this buffer
+		if (moveCount >= Entity.getOrcCounter()+Entity.getElfCounter()+3) {//the +3 is there for the same reason the +5 is added to the for loop sortDead() sometimes leaves a null between entities and I cant figure out how to fix that so, I use this buffer
 			moveCount = 0;
@@ -151,16 +149,15 @@ public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
 			System.out.println("Cease Fire, Game over.");
 	public class MyKeyAdapter extends KeyAdapter{
 		public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
 			switch(e.getKeyCode()) {
 				case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE:
-					if(world.programRunning != false) {
+					if(world.programRunning) { // switched it, but it's still true // fixed accidentally set to false
-						break;	
-					}else {
-						break;
+					break; // else was unnecessary
 				case KeyEvent.VK_D:
 					if(GameStatus.debugModeOn) {
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/GameStatus.java b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/GameStatus.java
index 08e55fee036b502c648be011265b19341114c9af..47159a10c04cff1e01ef8992eaaaba42204f5a82 100644
--- a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/GameStatus.java	
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/GameStatus.java	
@@ -4,30 +4,24 @@ public class GameStatus
     public static boolean debugModeOn = false;
-    public static void exampleStatic()
-    {
-	  System.out.println("Hiss! Pop!");
-    }
-    public void orcAttackDebug(int tempRow, int tempCol, int attRow, int attCol, int hitpoints,int hitpointsAfter) {
+    public void orcAttackDebug(int tempRow, int tempCol, int attRow, int attCol, int hitPoints,int hitPointsAfter) {
     	System.out.println("<<attack method called orc>>");
     	System.out.println("Elf Defender r/c: " +tempRow+"/"+tempCol);
     	System.out.println("Orc attackers r/c: "+attRow+"/"+attCol);
-    	System.out.println("Elf defenders hitpoints: "+hitpoints);
-    	System.out.println("Elf defenders hitpoints after attack"+ hitpointsAfter);
+    	System.out.println("Elf defenders hit points: "+hitPoints);
+    	System.out.println("Elf defenders hit points after attack"+ hitPointsAfter);
-    public void elfAttackDebug(int tempRow, int tempCol, int attRow, int attCol, int hitpoints, int hitpointsAfter) {
+    public void elfAttackDebug(int tempRow, int tempCol, int attRow, int attCol, int hitPoints, int hitPointsAfter) {
     	System.out.println("<<attack method called for elf>>");
     	System.out.println("Orc defender r/c: " +tempRow+"/"+tempCol);
     	System.out.println("Elf attackers r/c: "+attRow+"/"+attCol);
-    	System.out.println("Orc defenders hitpoints: "+hitpoints);
-    	System.out.println("Orc defenders hitpoints after attack"+ hitpointsAfter);
+    	System.out.println("Orc defenders hit points: "+hitPoints);
+    	System.out.println("Orc defenders hit points after attack"+ hitPointsAfter);
     public void orcMoveDebug(int oldRow, int oldCol, int currentRow, int currentCol) {
     	System.out.println("<<Orc move called>>");
     	System.out.println("Orc old r/c: "+oldRow+"/"+oldCol);
     	System.out.println("Moved to r/c: "+currentRow+"/"+ currentCol);
     public void elfMoveDebug(int oldRow, int oldCol, int currentRow, int currentCol) {
     	System.out.println("<<Elf move called>>");
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Location.java b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Location.java
index affd51e59d21482cf60723520ca768a476416996..44371f3da2303997bd074f935319c38c0bf9b965 100644
--- a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Location.java	
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Location.java	
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 //Author Ethan McCorquodale
+// all information for location such as row column and entity type
 public class Location
     private int row;
@@ -12,11 +14,11 @@ public class Location
         entityType = type;
+    // getter setter methods for all the variables
     public int getColumn()
     public int getRow()
@@ -37,7 +39,6 @@ public class Location
         column = newColumn;
     public void setRow(int newRow)
         row = newRow;
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Orc.java b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Orc.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4fd0c336321541876ec9946b31aa6bb009008813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/Orc.java	
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+public class Orc extends Entity {
+    public static final char ORC = 'O'; // orc are represented as an O on the grid
+    public static final int ORC_DAMAGE = 3; // damage
+    public static final int ORC_HP = 10; // health for each
+    // is a subclass of entity passing in appearance, health, and damage
+    public Orc() {
+        super(ORC, ORC_HP, ORC_DAMAGE);
+    }
+    // both are the debug statements for attack and loss conditions
+    @Override
+    public void debugAttack(GameStatus status, int tempRow, int tempColumn, int targetRow, int targetColumn, int HP, int HPAfter) {
+        status.orcAttackDebug(tempRow, tempColumn, targetRow, targetColumn, HP, HPAfter);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void debugLossConditions(GameStatus status, int entityCounter){
+        status.orcLoseDebug(entityCounter);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void debugMovement(GameStatus status, int oldRow, int oldCol, int newRow, int newCol){
+        status.orcMoveDebug(oldRow,oldCol,newRow,newCol);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/World.java b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/World.java
index 73af68f4aface3757dda92859c3312950ba0e1ac..1057a1c4e4cd943e92e892988fa8e5e9716cb25d 100644
--- a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/World.java	
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/World.java	
@@ -1,28 +1,17 @@
-import java.util.Scanner;
 //Author Ethan McCorquodale
 public class World
-    public static final int SIZE = 10;
-    public static final int ORCS_WIN = 0;
-    public static final int ELVES_WIN = 1;
-    public static final int DRAW = 2;
-    public static final int CEASE_FIRE = 3;
-    public static final int NOT_OVER = 4;
-    private int i = 0; //creates a local index for the location array in the Display method.
-    Location[] loc = new Location[100];//an array that'll track each entities type,location coordinates and if it can move.
-    int elfCounter = 0;
-    int orcCounter = 0;
-    int tempRow = 0;
+    public static final int SIZE = 10; //size of world
+    private int locationIndex = 0; //creates a local index for the location array in the Display method. // changed from i since that's not a great name
+    Location[] location = new Location[100];//an array that'll track each entities type,location coordinates and if it can move.
+    int tempRow = 0; // temp row and colum for switching and swapping things in the world
     int tempColumn = 0;
-    int oldRow;
+    int oldRow; // old row and colum for switching and swapping things in the world
     int oldCol;
-    int HP;
-    int turnSinceAtk;
-    int HPAfter;
-    char tempType = ' ';
-    public Entity [][] aWorld;
-    public boolean programRunning = true;
+    int turnSinceAtk; // to help with deciding if a cease fire occurred resets every attack
+    public Entity [][] aWorld; // world of entities Elf, Orcs or null
+    public boolean programRunning = true; //programming running
     GameStatus status = new GameStatus();
     // Post-condition: the position of the characters in the
@@ -30,190 +19,228 @@ public class World
     // objects in the array. The type of character in the file
     // determines the appearance of the Entity(O or D) or if the
     // element is empty (spaces become null elements)
-    public World()
-    {
-        aWorld = new Entity[SIZE][SIZE];
-        int r;
-        int c;
-        for (r = 0; r < SIZE; r++)//creates each object to null
-        {
-            for (c = 0; c < SIZE; c++)
-            {
-                aWorld[r][c] = null;
-            }
-        }
-        aWorld = FileInitialization.read();
-        for (r = 0; r < SIZE; r++)
-        {
-        	System.out.println("");
-        	System.out.println(" - "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+ "- ");
-        	for (c = 0; c < SIZE; c++)
-            {
-        		if (aWorld[r][c] == null) {
-        			System.out.print("| ");
-        		} else {
-        			System.out.print("|"+aWorld[r][c].getAppearance());	
-        			if ((aWorld[r][c].getAppearance() == 'O')||(aWorld[r][c].getAppearance() == 'E')) {
-        				loc[i] = new Location(r,c,aWorld[r][c].getAppearance());//Initializes each Entities location/type
-        				if (loc[i].getType() == 'O') {//this checks the type and counts +1 if it's an orc
-        					orcCounter++;
-        				} else if (loc[i].getType() == 'E') {
-        					elfCounter++;
-        				}
-        				i++;//Cause each initialization of the loc[i] to go to the next element
-        			}
-        		}
-            }
-        	System.out.print("|");
-        }
-        System.out.println();
-        System.out.println(" - "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+ "- ");
-        sortLocations();
-    }
-    public void sortDead() {//supposed to try and sort null elements and bring them to the end doesn't always work as intended
-    	for (int i = 0; i<=elfCounter+orcCounter;i++) {
-    		if (loc[i] != null) {
-    			if((aWorld[loc[i].getRow()][loc[i].getColumn()] == null)&&(loc[i+1] != null)) {
-    				loc[i] = loc[i+1];
-    				loc[i+1] = null;
-    				if(i-2 >= 0) {
-    					if(loc[i-2]== null) {
-        					sortDead();
-        				}	
-    				}
-    			}
-    		}
-    	}	
-    }
-    public void sortLocations() {//puts the elfs in the beginning of the array, checks if there is an orc before and elf and if there is it swaps positions in the array
-    	for (int j = 0; j<elfCounter+orcCounter; j++) {
-    		if (loc[j+orcCounter] != null) {	
-    			if(((loc[j].getType() == 'O')&&(loc[j+orcCounter].getType() == 'E'))) {
-        			tempRow = loc[j+orcCounter].getRow();
-        			tempColumn = loc[j+orcCounter].getColumn();
-        			tempType = loc[j+orcCounter].getType();
-        			loc[j+orcCounter].setType(loc[j].getType());
-        			loc[j+orcCounter].setColumn(loc[j].getColumn());
-        			loc[j+orcCounter].setRow(loc[j].getRow());
-        			loc[j].setRow(tempRow);
-        			loc[j].setColumn(tempColumn);
-        			loc[j].setType(tempType);
-        		} 
-    		}
-    	}
-    }
-    public void attack(int index) { 
-    	if(((loc[index].getType() == 'O')&&(aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getAppearance() != 'O'))||((loc[index].getType() == 'E')&&(aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getAppearance() != 'E'))) {//makes sure it's not attacking it's own kind
-    		turnSinceAtk = 0;
-    		if((loc[index].getType() == 'E')&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()][loc[index].getColumn()] != null)) {
-    			HP = aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints();
-        		aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].setHitPoints(aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints()-Entity.ELF_DAMAGE);
-    			HPAfter = aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints();
-        		if (GameStatus.debugModeOn) {//attack data for elf attackers
-    				status.elfAttackDebug(tempRow, tempColumn, loc[index].getRow(), loc[index].getColumn(),HP,HPAfter);
-    			}
-        		if (aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints() <=0) {
-        			aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn] = null;
-        			orcCounter--;
-        			sortDead();
-        			if(loc[index] != null) {
-        				loc[index].setCanMove(true);
-        			}
-        			if (orcCounter<=0) {//gives the game an end condition if there's no orcs left
-        				System.out.println("Elves win no more orcs left.");
-        				programRunning = false;
-        				if(GameStatus.debugModeOn) {//lose condition data
-        					status.orcLoseDebug(orcCounter);
-        				}
-        			}
-        		}
-        	} else if((loc[index].getType() == 'O')&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()][loc[index].getColumn()] != null)) {
-        		HP = aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints();
-        		aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].setHitPoints(aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints()-Entity.ORC_DAMAGE);
-        		HPAfter = aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints();
-        		if (GameStatus.debugModeOn) {
-    				//attack data for Orc attackers
-    				status.orcAttackDebug(tempRow, tempColumn, loc[index].getRow(), loc[index].getColumn(),HP,HPAfter);
-    			}
-        		if (aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints() <=0) {
-        			aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn] = null;
-        			elfCounter--;
-        			sortDead();
-        			if(loc[index] != null) {
-        				loc[index].setCanMove(true);
-        			}
-        			if (elfCounter<=0) {//gives the game an end condition if there's no Elves left
-        				System.out.println("Orcs win no more elves left.");
-        				programRunning = false;
-        				if(GameStatus.debugModeOn) {//gives data for lose condition when no elves left standing
-        					status.elfLoseDebug(elfCounter);
-        				}
-        			}
-        		}
-        	} else {
-        		loc[index].setCanMove(true);
-        	}
-    	} else {
-    		loc[index].setCanMove(true);
-    	}
-    }
-    public boolean checkPerim(int index) {//looks at all the spaces around the current index of loc[index] looking for things not null
-    	if (loc[index] != null) {
-    		for(int r = loc[index].getRow()-1; r<loc[index].getRow()+2;r++) {
-    			for(int c = loc[index].getColumn()-1; c<loc[index].getColumn()+2;c++ ) {
-    				if((r <= 9)&&(c <= 9)&&(r > - 1)&&(c > -1)) {//ensuring r/c is in aWorld
-    					if((aWorld[r][c] != null) && (loc[index].getType() != aWorld[r][c].getAppearance())) {
-    						loc[index].setCanMove(false);
-    						tempRow = r;
-    						tempColumn = c;
-    						attack(index);
-    						return true;
-    					}
-    				}
-    			}
-    		}
-    		loc[index].setCanMove(true);
-    		return false;
-    	}
-    	return false;
-    }
-    public void move(int index) {//changes the value of aWorld[][] must set old position to null then update it to the new position.
-    	if (checkPerim(index) == false) {//checks the perim for things not null if it finds something it returns true and the move code below doesn't run 
-    		if (loc[index] != null) {
-            		if (loc[index].getCanMove()) {
-            			if((loc[index].getRow()-1 != -1)&&(loc[index].getColumn()-1 != -1)) {
-            				if ((loc[index].getType() == 'E')&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()-1][loc[index].getColumn()-1]== null)) {
-                        		oldRow = loc[index].getRow();
-                        		oldCol = loc[index].getColumn();
-                        		loc[index].setRow(oldRow-1);
-                        		loc[index].setColumn(oldCol-1);
-                        		aWorld[oldRow-1][oldCol-1] = aWorld[oldRow][oldCol];
-                        		aWorld[oldRow][oldCol] = null;
-                    		}	
-            			}
-            			if((loc[index].getRow()+1 != 10)&&(loc[index].getColumn()+1 != 10)) {
-            				if ((loc[index].getType() == 'O')&&(aWorld[loc[index].getRow()+1][loc[index].getColumn()+1]== null)) {
-                        		oldRow = loc[index].getRow();
-                        		oldCol = loc[index].getColumn();
-                        		loc[index].setRow(oldRow+1);
-                        		loc[index].setColumn(oldCol+1);
-                        		aWorld[oldRow+1][oldCol+1] = aWorld[oldRow][oldCol];
-                        		aWorld[oldRow][oldCol] = null;
-                    		}
-            			}
-            			if ((GameStatus.debugModeOn)&&(loc[index]!= null)) {
-                			if (loc[index].getType() == 'E') {//elf move data
-                				status.elfMoveDebug(oldRow,oldCol,loc[index].getRow(),loc[index].getRow());
-                			} else if (loc[index].getType() == 'O') {//orc move data
-                				status.orcMoveDebug(oldRow,oldCol,loc[index].getRow(),loc[index].getRow());
-                			}
-                		}
-                	}
-        		}
-    	}
-    }
+	// constructor initialize the grid and the entities location
+	public World()
+	{
+		aWorld = new Entity[SIZE][SIZE]; // world of the size 10
+		aWorld = FileInitialization.read(); // get info from the provided txt file
+		initializeGrid();
+	}
+	// print borders and initialize locations
+	public void initializeGrid(){
+		for (int row = 0; row < SIZE; row++){ // changed all instances of r and c so its more readable
+			System.out.println("\n - "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+ "- "); // removed unnecessary print
+			for (int column = 0; column < SIZE; column++){
+				initializeLocations(row, column);
+			}
+			System.out.print("|");
+		}
+		System.out.println("\n - "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+"- "+ "- ");
+		sortLocations();
+	}
+	// place the Orcs, Elves or nulls entities in the world
+	public void initializeLocations(int row, int column){
+		if (aWorld[row][column] == null) {
+			System.out.print("| ");
+			return; // no entity so move on
+		}
+		char currentCellAppearance = aWorld[row][column].getAppearance();
+		System.out.print("|"+currentCellAppearance);
+		location[locationIndex] = new Location(row,column,currentCellAppearance);//Initializes each Entities location/type
+		if (location[locationIndex].getType() == 'O') {//this checks the type and counts +1 if it's an orc
+			Entity.incrementOrcCounter(1); // increase the count of orcs
+		}
+		if (location[locationIndex].getType() == 'E') {
+			Entity.incrementElfCounter(1); // same with elves
+		}
+		locationIndex++;//Cause each initialization of the location[locationIndex] to go to the next element
+	}
+	//supposed to try and sort null elements and bring them to the end doesn't always work as intended
+	public void sortDead() {
+		for (int locationIndex = 0; locationIndex<=Entity.getElfCounter()+Entity.getOrcCounter();locationIndex++) {
+			if (location[locationIndex] == null) {
+				continue; // its null then move on
+			}
+			if((aWorld[location[locationIndex].getRow()][location[locationIndex].getColumn()] != null)||(location[locationIndex+1] == null)) {
+				continue; // if the element in the world isn't null then move on or next index in location is null
+			}
+			// swap the values in the array
+			location[locationIndex] = location[locationIndex+1];
+			location[locationIndex+1] = null;
+			if(locationIndex-2 >= 0 && location[locationIndex-2]== null) {
+				sortDead();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//puts the elfs in the beginning of the array,
+	// checks if there is an orc before and elf and if there is it swaps positions in the array
+	// basically moves all the entities (orc or elves) to the front of the array since we don't care about null entities
+	public void sortLocations() {
+		int orcCounter = Entity.getOrcCounter();
+		for (int j = 0; j<Entity.getElfCounter()+orcCounter; j++) {
+			if (location[j+orcCounter] == null){
+				continue; // if its null then move on
+			}
+			if(((location[j].getType() != 'O')||(location[j+orcCounter].getType() != 'E'))) {
+				continue; // if it's not an elf or orc move on
+			}
+			// get row, columns and entity type (char of O or E)
+			// and set the new values
+			tempRow = location[j+orcCounter].getRow();
+			tempColumn = location[j+orcCounter].getColumn();
+			char tempType = location[j+orcCounter].getType();
+			location[j+orcCounter].setType(location[j].getType());
+			location[j+orcCounter].setColumn(location[j].getColumn());
+			location[j+orcCounter].setRow(location[j].getRow());
+			location[j].setRow(tempRow);
+			location[j].setColumn(tempColumn);
+			location[j].setType(tempType);
+		}
+	}
+	// handles attacking
+	public void attack(int index) {// new
+		if(aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn] == null){
+			return; // if null move on
+		}
+		if((location[index].getType() == 'O') && (aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getAppearance() == 'O')) {
+			return; // if attacking their own kind move on (won't attack)
+		}
+		if((location[index].getType() == 'E') && (aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getAppearance() == 'E')) {
+			return; // if attacking their own kind move on (won't attack)
+		}
+		turnSinceAtk = 0; // reset since we are now attacking
+		if((location[index].getType() == 'E')&&(aWorld[location[index].getRow()][location[index].getColumn()] != null)) {
+			Entity attackingEntity = new Elf(); //initialize elf which is a subclass of entity and call attack logic
+			attackLogic(attackingEntity, index); // with elf as the attacking entity
+		} else if((location[index].getType() == 'O')&&(aWorld[location[index].getRow()][location[index].getColumn()] != null)) {
+			Entity attackingEntity = new Orc(); // exact same idea just with orc
+			attackLogic(attackingEntity, index);
+		} else {
+			location[index].setCanMove(true); // they can move if they aren't attacking
+		}
+	}
+	// logic for attacking gets health and subtracts the attacking entities damage and sets the new health
+	public void attackLogic(Entity attackingEntity, int index){
+		int entityDmg = attackingEntity.getDamage();
+		int HP = aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints();
+		aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].setHitPoints(aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints()-entityDmg);
+		int HPAfter = aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints();
+		if (GameStatus.debugModeOn) {//debug attack data for elf attackers, apart of elf subclass
+			attackingEntity.debugAttack(status, tempRow, tempColumn, location[index].getRow(), location[index].getColumn(),HP,HPAfter);
+		}
+		deathLogic(attackingEntity, index); // check if attacker killed enemy
+		victoryLogic(attackingEntity); // check if no enemy remains
+		if(GameStatus.debugModeOn) {//debug lose condition data, part of subclasses
+			if (attackingEntity instanceof Elf) {
+				attackingEntity.debugLossConditions(status, Entity.getOrcCounter());
+			} else if (attackingEntity instanceof Orc) {
+				attackingEntity.debugLossConditions(status, Entity.getElfCounter());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// if the enemy lost all its health it is killed and the count of that entity goes down
+	public void deathLogic(Entity attackingEntity, int index){
+		if (aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn].getHitPoints() >0){
+			return; // if they are still alive then move on this doesn't apply
+		}
+		aWorld[tempRow][tempColumn] = null;
+		if (attackingEntity instanceof Elf) {
+			Entity.incrementOrcCounter(-1); // increment by a negative value
+		} else if (attackingEntity instanceof Orc) {
+			Entity.incrementElfCounter(-1);
+		}
+		sortDead();
+		if(location[index] != null) {
+			location[index].setCanMove(true);
+		}
+	}
+	// if there is no more enemies than the attackers have won so print out who won and end the game
+	public void victoryLogic(Entity attackingEntity){
+		if (attackingEntity instanceof Elf && Entity.getOrcCounter() > 0) {
+			return; // if there still exists orcs and elves are attacking then no victory
+		}
+		else if (attackingEntity instanceof Orc && Entity.getElfCounter() > 0) {
+			return; // same exact thing but opposite
+		}
+		// get the name of the attacking entity since they won
+		System.out.println(attackingEntity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " wins, no more opponents left.");
+		programRunning = false; //end game
+	}
+	// check perimeter of the index
+	public boolean checkPerimeter(int index) {//looks at all the spaces around the current index of location[index] looking for things not null
+		if (location[index] == null){
+			return false; // if null move on
+		}
+		for(int row = location[index].getRow()-1; row<location[index].getRow()+2;row++) {
+			for(int column = location[index].getColumn()-1; column<location[index].getColumn()+2;column++ ) {
+				if((row > 9)||(column > 9)||(row <= - 1)||(column <= -1)){ //ensuring row/column is in aWorld
+					continue; // if outside world then move on
+				}
+				if((aWorld[row][column] == null) || (location[index].getType() == aWorld[row][column].getAppearance())) {
+					continue; // if null move on or if they are next to their kind then move on
+				}
+				// if we are here then their is an enemy so stop and prepare to attack
+				location[index].setCanMove(false);
+				tempRow = row; // set temp row and column
+				tempColumn = column;
+				attack(index); // attack with the current index as the attacking entity
+				return true; // return true there is an enemy
+			}
+		}
+		location[index].setCanMove(true); // no enemy so can move
+		return false; // no enemy
+	}
+	// move the current entity
+	//changes the value of aWorld[][] must set old position to null then update it to the new position.
+	public void move(int index) {
+		if (checkPerimeter(index)){
+			return; // check the around current index if there is an enemy dont move
+		}
+		if (location[index] == null) {
+			return; // move on if it's not an entity at index
+		}
+		if (!location[index].getCanMove()){
+			return; // if it already can't move, move on
+		}
+		if((location[index].getRow()-1 != -1)&&(location[index].getColumn()-1 != -1)) {
+			moveLogic('E', index, -1); // logic behind moving
+		}
+		if((location[index].getRow()+1 != 10)&&(location[index].getColumn()+1 != 10)) {
+			moveLogic('O', index, 1);
+		}
+		if ((GameStatus.debugModeOn)&&(location[index] != null)) {
+			if (location[index].getType() == 'E') {//elf move data
+				Entity movingEntity = new Elf();
+				movingEntity.debugMovement(status, oldRow,oldCol,location[index].getRow(),location[index].getRow());
+			} else if (location[index].getType() == 'O') {//orc move data
+				Entity movingEntity = new Orc();
+				movingEntity.debugMovement(status, oldRow,oldCol,location[index].getRow(),location[index].getRow());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// increment the rows and columns setting the entity at the new location and removing the old one
+	// orcs move down and elves move up, so -1 for elves and +1 for orcs (for increment)
+	public void moveLogic(char entityType, int index, int increment){
+		if ((location[index].getType() == entityType)&&(aWorld[location[index].getRow()+ increment][location[index].getColumn()+increment]== null)) {
+			oldRow = location[index].getRow();
+			oldCol = location[index].getColumn();
+			location[index].setRow(oldRow+increment);
+			location[index].setColumn(oldCol+increment);
+			aWorld[oldRow+increment][oldCol+increment] = aWorld[oldRow][oldCol];
+			aWorld[oldRow][oldCol] = null;
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d96c03d14207b3325bd553b1bbffed81755c188a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt	
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data2.txt b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..925cdc3deb9c37419592b3e6f2d533332e537d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data2.txt	
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ O    O   
+      E   
+      E   
+      O   
+      OE E
+       E  
+         E
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/moveTest.txt b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/moveTest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..786c2c2df2ab8d3684da1ed68c650da86cae9ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/moveTest.txt	
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/perimTest.txt b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/perimTest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87316a98e36a52f81e694759f4ade63e23dbd6f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/perimTest.txt	
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+      O   
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/refactorTests.java b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/refactorTests.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2df6806ccd776f0070e27892356433394b887468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/refactorTests.java	
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.*;
+class refactorTests {
+    private static World world;
+    @BeforeEach
+    void setUp() {
+        Entity.setOrcCounter(0);
+        Entity.setElfCounter(0);
+    }
+//        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data.txt";
+////        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt\n";
+//        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+//        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+//        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+//        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+//        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+    @Test
+    void testBoardInitialization() {
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data.txt";
+//        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt\n";
+        // note chatgpt helped with the system.in portion as i wasn't sure how to enter into terminal though code
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        System.out.println("Test 1 running.");
+        assertNotNull(world.aWorld, "Board should be initialized");
+        assertEquals(World.SIZE, world.aWorld.length, "Board should have correct rows");
+        assertEquals(World.SIZE, world.aWorld[0].length, "Board should have correct columns");
+        assertEquals(4, Entity.getElfCounter()); // check if right amount of elves and orcs
+        assertEquals(4, Entity.getOrcCounter());
+    }
+    @Test
+    void sortDeadTest(){
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data.txt";
+//        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt\n";
+        // note chatgpt helped with the system.in portion as i wasn't sure how to enter into terminal though code
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        world.sortDead();
+        assertNull(world.location[world.location.length - 1]);
+        assertNull(world.location[world.location.length - 2]);
+        assertNull(world.location[world.location.length - 20]);
+        System.out.println(world.location[world.location.length - 20]);
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testSort(){
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/original_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/data.txt";
+//        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt\n";
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        //in data.txt the sorted array should be OOEEOOEE
+        StringBuilder afterSort = new StringBuilder();
+        for (Location location : world.location) {
+            afterSort.append(location != null ? location.getType() : "");
+        }
+        assertEquals("OOEEOOEE", afterSort.toString(), "Locations should be sorted like this");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testAttack(){
+        // create world and tell them to attack
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/attackTest.txt\n";
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        world.tempRow = 0;
+        world.tempColumn = 0;
+        world.attack(0); //elf will attack
+        int Hp = world.aWorld[world.location[1].getRow()][world.location[1].getColumn()].getHitPoints();
+        System.out.println("health after attack: " + Hp);
+        assertTrue(world.aWorld[world.location[1].getRow()][world.location[1].getColumn()].getHitPoints() < 10, "Orc should lose HP after attack");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void checkPerimeterTest(){
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/perimTest.txt\n";
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        assertTrue(world.checkPerimeter(0), "should be true, something next to the elf");
+        assertTrue(world.checkPerimeter(1), "should be true, something next to the orc");
+        assertFalse(world.checkPerimeter(2), "should be false, nothing next to the elf");
+        assertFalse(world.checkPerimeter(3), "should be false, spot is null");
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testMove(){
+        String simulatedInput = "Assignment_1/refactored_code/assignment3GUI - Classmate's/src/moveTest.txt\n";
+        InputStream originalSystemInStream = System.in;  // Save the original System.in
+        ByteArrayInputStream simulatedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(simulatedInput.getBytes());
+        System.setIn(simulatedInputStream);  // Set System.in to the new input stream
+        world = new World();  // This will call FileInitialization.read() and use the simulated input
+        System.setIn(originalSystemInStream);  // Restore the original System.in
+        assertEquals('O', world.aWorld[0][0].getAppearance(), "should be an Orc at 0,0");
+        System.out.println(world.aWorld[0][0].getAppearance()+ " at: 0:0");
+        world.move(1);
+        assertEquals('O', world.aWorld[1][1].getAppearance(), "should be an Orc");
+        System.out.println(world.aWorld[1][1].getAppearance() + " at: 1:1, from move function" );
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testEntities(){
+        Entity testElfEntity = new Elf();
+        Entity testOrcEntity = new Orc();
+        assertNotNull(testElfEntity, "should not be null");
+        assertNotNull(testOrcEntity, "should not be null");
+        assertEquals('E', testElfEntity.getAppearance());
+        assertEquals('O', testOrcEntity.getAppearance());
+        assertEquals(7, testElfEntity.getDamage());
+        assertEquals(3, testOrcEntity.getDamage());
+        assertEquals(15, testElfEntity.getHitPoints());
+        assertEquals(10, testOrcEntity.getHitPoints());
+    }
+    @Test
+    void testEntityCounters() {
+        assertEquals(0, Entity.getElfCounter());
+        assertEquals(0, Entity.getOrcCounter());
+        Entity.incrementElfCounter(5);
+        Entity.incrementOrcCounter(-1);
+        assertEquals(5, Entity.getElfCounter());
+        assertEquals(-1, Entity.getOrcCounter());
+        Entity.setElfCounter(0);
+        Entity.setOrcCounter(0);
+        assertEquals(0, Entity.getElfCounter());
+        assertEquals(0, Entity.getOrcCounter());
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/Elf.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/Elf.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3655c02272a71c5542574dbe175e7519266afd86
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/Elf.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/Entity.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/Entity.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8864418cb1a2e33629521eace40214c29ee345ae
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/Entity.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/FileContainer.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/FileContainer.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f096f1d884e892b9940c712a078c0cb2ea8bbb60
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/FileContainer.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/FileInitialization.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/FileInitialization.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da5d0ff30627fe6a372cb4e1ba2556772f4690f0
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/FileInitialization.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/GameFrame.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/GameFrame.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3144fff124a737ed4b425d223ca68a638f4aac0a
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/GameFrame.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/GamePanel$MyKeyAdapter.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/GamePanel$MyKeyAdapter.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5352d307ceb607c8ff71bf7632daa0768037370a
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/GamePanel$MyKeyAdapter.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/GamePanel.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/GamePanel.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5ae57f40a5565f407a063935c7b3ee1ed96f7a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/GamePanel.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/GameStatus.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/GameStatus.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c8bb193a70f1fe646252dce86ab10c622fdceaf
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/GameStatus.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/Location.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/Location.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b1b5b63ea49b304e85f6edcd9e3f00f3276f3e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/Location.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/Orc.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/Orc.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a83a7671771031d497e23f09b37619b30690307
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/Orc.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/Simulator.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/Simulator.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04efb73c6b631a816f41e51649085a1e51f9e344
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/Simulator.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/World.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/World.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5fb1ed8a7e620a133b7497b4b1d38f1ef15457ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/World.class differ
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/attackTest.txt b/out/production/501-gitlab/attackTest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d96c03d14207b3325bd553b1bbffed81755c188a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/out/production/501-gitlab/attackTest.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/data.txt b/out/production/501-gitlab/data.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58bedd626f2ca6881a97d6def66eb967735c88b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/out/production/501-gitlab/data.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ O    O   
+      E   
+      E   
+      O   
+      O   
+       E  
+         E
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/data2.txt b/out/production/501-gitlab/data2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..925cdc3deb9c37419592b3e6f2d533332e537d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/out/production/501-gitlab/data2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ O    O   
+      E   
+      E   
+      O   
+      OE E
+       E  
+         E
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/moveTest.txt b/out/production/501-gitlab/moveTest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..786c2c2df2ab8d3684da1ed68c650da86cae9ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/out/production/501-gitlab/moveTest.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/perimTest.txt b/out/production/501-gitlab/perimTest.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87316a98e36a52f81e694759f4ade63e23dbd6f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/out/production/501-gitlab/perimTest.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+      O   
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/out/production/501-gitlab/refactor_1_test.class b/out/production/501-gitlab/refactor_1_test.class
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..729327417910f95ce79c3d0e9f9ab5e8066d5785
Binary files /dev/null and b/out/production/501-gitlab/refactor_1_test.class differ